Advice for an easier international moving experience
Moving abroad and shipping your belongings internationally is an exciting time in your life but can also be very stressful…It doesn’t have to be. By following these simple, straightforward tips, you can decrease the amount of stress moving causes and be prepared for anything that comes your way.
1. When packing, make sure to set aside items that you will take with you on the plane
Small important items can accidentally get stowed away with the larger boxes meant for shipping and may cause you problems if they are personal items such as medicine or important documents. Before you begin packing, designate an area for items that will not be packed away. Let those helping you move know about this area of the home and don’t let the items get mixed in with those packed for shipment.
2. Become familiar with the customs and etiquette of your new country
It’s not very wise to move to a country you know little about. Contact the consulate or U.S. Embassy in your new country and ask about local customs. You can also pick up a phrase book for the most used sayings in another language or utilize Lonely Planet or Frommers country guidebooks.
3. Double check to make sure you don’t pack prohibited items.
There are strict guidelines for what you are allowed to ship overseas. Items such as firearms, alcohol, perishable goods, and other items can cause an issue when loading and unloading your goods. Ask ahead of time for a list of items that are prohibited from the shipping company you plan on using as well as items prohibited into the country you are entering. Simply avoiding prohibited goods when packing can save you hours of frustration and moving stress.
4. Mark a box to be unloaded first.
Include an “unload me” box filled with necessities such as a coffee pot, wash cloth, fresh sheets and clothes. Daryl Floor International suggests setting this box aside from the rest by making “unload me” on it. When you arrive at your new home, you’ll be overwhelmed by the many boxes and it will be really helpful to think ahead and prepare a box filled with things you will need for the first couple of nights until you have time to unpack everything.

5. Consider purchasing supplemental insurance on shipped goods
Although many international shipping companies include insurance, you may want to purchase additional insurance. Most companies offer additional insurance packages or you can find insurance for your goods elsewhere. The average shipping company will cover some of your items but perhaps not in their entirety. By purchasing extra insurance, you know that your items will be protected no matter what happens.
6. Check electric appliances for international converting
Your all time favorite blender or Chi straightener may not work in your new country. It’s important to check what type of outlets your new home uses and purchase converters in advance. You will not want to have to get rid of all of your American appliances so make sure to consider this ahead of time.
7. Empty gas and oil in your power equipment such as your lawn mower and snow blower
Daryl Flood International suggests emptying your power equipment of gasoline and oil before shipping them overseas. You can save money because oil and gas are heavy and can also prevent fires or even explosions. If you forget to do this, there may be charges or you may be rushing last minute to empty them.
8. Check up on healthcare
Is healthcare in your new country cheaper than the United States? Are there appointments you haven’t taken advantage of on your current insurance? Make sure to research health care in the county you are moving to before leaving. You can save hundreds by waiting for a checkup or having a checkup done before you leave. Also, having your health taken care of can reduce a lot of subconscious stress.
9. Mark each box with a room destination
It can help save you lots of time if you mark on each box which room it should be taken to upon arrival in your new home. Pack items according to room and then mark the box with a thick marker. If you have packers, they can place the boxes in their coordinating rooms and this will save you the hassle of looking through ten boxes for your favorite dish towel.
10. Keep all important documents together and make copies of them for each family member
When moving overseas, it is vital to have all of your paperwork together in one place. Making copies of your social security cards, driver’s licenses, and passports is a good idea. Keep copies of each document in every piece of luggage and make sure you keep track of your visas and passports at every stop. One important tip to traveling overseas stress free is to keep a list of medications and health conditions with you at all times. This way, if anything were to happen to you or a family member, paramedics can treat you correctly. If you already know the language or can have someone translate for you, write an explanation of the condition in the local language.
For more information regarding international shipping of your goods and vehicles please contact 1-800-599-0190. We have company owned whether you are moving from the west coast, moving from the gulf or moving from the east coast.