Tips to help you find your ideal job in Switzerland
Getting a new job overseas is always a challenge accompanied with the excitement to start fresh. One can do plenty of research and homework before making the big leap. Preparations like finding the right moving company, scouting the new country, its people, cultures and traditions, or simply learning about the job scenarios will all make the process less daunting. Read below for some of the tips expats have given on Switzerland jobs for Americans and what helped them while they were looking.

Finding A Job in Switzerland
Economies of Swiss cities vary and thus there is no one size fits all approach. Jobs in Geneva are different than opportunities available in Zurich. Also add the various domains of expertise from technology to teaching projects, summer jobs, and full-time game changing roles – all Switzerland jobs have different parameters ruling them. One must review some tips and suggestions from other people’s experiences about how they went about finding jobs in Switzerland especially if you are from the US.
Some of the pointers include:
Contacting local contracting/employment agencies could help you get a kick start getting yourself placed. Usually, you will need to send them a resume and some of the job types you are looking for. Then you just wait for them to contact you once they find something that fits.
Get to know your colleagues working in Switzerland for the same company and inquire about intercompany transfers. In many cases, expats are sent to Switzerland from their current company. Additionally a large benefit is that they will also pay for you to go with your goods.
Education and Training
Investigating whether your current education level is applicable for Switzerland job standards may help you increase your chances for jobs. Certain jobs in Switzerland may require additional certificates or degrees, which can be specific to Switzerland.
Local Newspapers
Maybe exploring online editions of localized Swiss newspapers could also lead you to potential opportunities worth exploring. Unfortunately you would need access to these newspapers first.
Browsing for recruiters who currently either live in Switzerland or who specialize in placing candidates who are moving there should enable you to market your resume to a wider audience.
The last but not least, take extensive advantage of the internet to hunt down job openings, network with potential recruiters through hiring websites, increasing your connections and outlook could very well enhance your portfolio to land yourself a job.
Browsing through the Swiss Chamber of Commerce websites, scouring for information through local resources and getting in touch with local citizens of the specific country definitely helps you gain more exposure about the job market out there. You can sift through different job placement websites, newspaper websites, hiring agency websites and other localized job websites such as:
- Monster – Switzerland:
- Directory of Swiss Chambers of Commerce:
- JobUP:
- TopJobs – Switzerland:
- Le Temps:
- Manpower Agency:
- Kelly Services:
- Embassy of Switzerland Facebook page
You will also want to revamp your resume to reflect some international work experience. if you had any to indicate your expertise in handling clients or the ability to work with colleagues located internationally. Many of these employers will want to see some level of German, Italian, or French as it will give you more value in the areas that speak those languages.
No matter where you are relocating to, it’s always important to gather overseas moving information about the place you are moving. Be it food cultures, festivals, job scenarios, living costs or simply the overall environment of your new destination.
For those with a move to Switzerland on the horizon, call us at 800-599-0190 for any additional questions or request a free moving quote to start your shipment.